Magazine advertising is a form of print advertising, different from newspapers. In particular, businesses will promote their image through image banners or article information, creating appeal and attracting readers to pay attention to products and services.

Magazine advertising as well as other types of newspaper advertising have intervention and editing from the editorial board to ensure compliance with the criteria and principles of operation of each newspaper.


Magazine Advertising

Magazine advertisements are displayed with eye-catching colors, shown in many different positions (cover pages, middle pages, section pages…) with customized sizes according to requests from investors and regulations from newspapers. However, there will be certain locations where ads will not be shown including editorial pages, obituary pages, and classified sections.

Advantages of Magazine Advertising

  • The magazine is printed on more advanced paper material than newspapers, the colors are more diverse, making the advertisement more vivid, impressive, and attractive in the eyes of readers.
  • Because serialized publications with spaced time contain larger amounts of information, the magazine is stored longer so that ads can reach users over and over again.
  • Most magazines are built on separate topics and fields (automotive magazines, technology, architecture, etc.) to help investors accurately select potential customer of advertising.
  • Advertisements in magazines are presented attractively, have an impact and make readers want to search for more about the brand on other information channels such as websites, landing pages, facebook, …


Magazine ads by posting PR articles

With the form of posting PR articles to advertise magazines, businesses can give their readers and customers detailed information such as:

  • About products, services, outstanding features
  • Spread the brand message
  • Attractive incentive programs, promotions,…

PR articles in magazines are often received quite positively from readers. Because it is written with a special perspective, it is both knowledgeable and promotional, making it easy for readers to absorb. Normally, each magazine usually has a limit on the number of words of the PR article. Therefore, the PR article is therefore not “saturated”, or rampant, making readers feel uncomfortable or offended.

Reasons to choose BVAD Agency as a booking partner for Magazine Advertising:

With a reputation of more than 14 years working in the field of media, BVAD Agency provides customers with the most complete and accurate magazine advertising price list today with extremely preferential discounts.

  • Experience and Expertise: BVAD Agency boasts over 15 years of advertising experience across various industries and has delivered over 5,000 remarkably successful projects.
  • Reputable quality: BVAD Agency is committed to clear consulting, 24/7 support, on time, on time to deliver products, on demand, at competitive prices to bring the best quality services to customers.
  • Staff: We have a team of experienced, enthusiastic, uniquely creative and trendy staff.

BVAD Agency is an agency under ButVangCorp’s ecosystem, a pioneering company combining Agency & Production House, specializing in providing total communication solutions for small and medium enterprises,… BVAD Agency is proud to bring a comprehensive communication system sustainable value for thousands of brands. We are committed to creating and effectively integrating comprehensive communication strategies, and optimizing revenue and costs.


Magazine Advertising Quotation Consulting

Contact now: BVAD Agency

Hotline: 0369 15 9964 – 0974 68 7798


Reference: Profile ButVangCorp.pdf



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